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Clomid generic reviews and testimonials

  • MS
    Meryl Sharrow
    Verified review

    Clomid changed my life. I’ve been taking it for four months together with vitamins. Now I’m seven months pregnant, I will have a girl. Before, I’ve been trying to get pregnant for over nine months

  • IG
    Indiana Garner
    Verified review

    I decided to share my experience of using Clomid with everyone who needs it. About a year ago, my husband and I decided to have a baby, but nothing worked out. I took various tests, and it turned out that I was not ovulating and so it was impossible for me to get pregnant. Thanks, Clomid, I’m so happy to have a boy.

  • GO
    Genevieve Osbourne
    Verified review

    Both times I used Clomid, I got pregnant during the first three months.

  • ES
    Emory Stephenson
    Verified review

    I had ovulation, but I wasn’t pregnant. The doctor said if Clomid didn’t work the first time, you should keep trying.

  • MD
    Marjorie Dumas
    Verified review

    That's amazing! Despite my PCOS, Clomid helped me get pregnant in just two months. I recommend it to anyone who tries to have a baby.

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