Propecia generic reviews and testimonials
DDanielVerified review
Noticed a quick increase, and then a complete decrease in hair shedding. Perhaps after the 1st week I thought my hair loss increased, then it's like the hair that remained all strengthened, and then, the small hairs that shed started up new growth. I did not notice any viable new growth at the temple region, but the vertex and high forehead areas seem to be thicker and younger and better hairs then I had 6 months ago.
AAlexanderVerified review
All but stopped my hair loss. After a couple of months I noticed that i had virtually no hair in my hands after washing it as opposed to 25-30 hairs before... also no more hair on my pillow, whereas before is was quite obvious it was falling out. Visually there is no more loss. I don't know if it is growing back, but as long as it stays i'm cool...
NNevillVerified review
My hair loss that I was experiencing stopped completely in it's tracks, and I actually grew back some hair at the crown of my head. Every individual to whom I've recommended the drug has had at least their hair loss stop. I'm a complete cynic and consider this a wonder drug. Once you start taking it (and if you continue to take it for the rest of your life- hey, that's science, man) you will keep all the hair you have from that moment on.