Rybelsus reviews and testimonials
DPDavid PalmerVerified review
It is my fault that I brought my body to diabetes type 2. Unfortunately, now I can not do without pills. The doctor advised me to try Rybelsus to drop at least 22 lbs and normalize glucose levels. In the first two weeks, I already managed to lose almost 5 lbs. I consider it a great result. Can't wait to go back to the doctor and get my A1C.
ICIan CrawfordVerified review
For two years, I've been struggling with obesity and type two diabetes. At first, I tried to do everything without medication. But even counting calories and daily sports didn't help me achieve what I wanted. The doctor told me that it is not necessary to torture yourself so badly and it's better to resort to the Rybelsus course. I decided to give these pills a chance. I can say for sure that this drug lowers your appetite and makes it much easier to control hunger. I'm eating no more than the size of my fist now and feeling full. But there is a downside. You have to endure nausea and sometimes take pills for diarrhea. With the medication, it became much easier to lose weight. I plan to continue treatment for another month.
NBNina BakerVerified review
Type 2 diabetes, female 40 years old, if that matters. I have pretty typical diabetes symptoms that keep most people like me from living an everyday life. But on top of that, obesity gave me hypertension. At 5 feet and 7 inches, I weighed 240 lbs. The doctor prescribed me a strict diet and Rybelsus, the dose of which increased every month. During the first weeks, I had diarrhea and tolerable nausea. However, these symptoms almost disappeared with time. In three months, I've lost around 80 lbs because I don't want to eat at all. I can do with salad and a bowl of porridge a day. My sugar level is still far from normal. But I feel healthier, and my blood pressure is OK. I think this drug is worth a positive review.